Interior decor ideas to create a fun-filled pediatric clinic

If you’ve ever ended up in a sport’s clinic you probably realized how depressing some of them have been designed to look! It’s not the problem you may be facing, its definitely the decor that makes the room look, dark, murky and sad! Not fair.

UAE clinics are a busy place with numerous cases of flu, fever and other airborne infections. Its not just children who are affected though! As is the case globally, grownups and children, everyone is affected by infections today!

Considering the circumstances that have brought your patients to the clinic, it makes it important for you to make them feel right at home and weightless and without worry! As such the interior decor may not be able to do what the doctors can, but it should be close in providing an atmosphere that’s conducive to healing!

 If you’re confused as to how you can achieve that, experts in commercial interior design Dubai can help you out in creating a space that your patients will love!

interior decor ideas to create a fun-filled pediatric clinic

Helpful interior decor tips for your children’s sports clinic

The following tips can be used to decorate your children’s clinic:

Choose a theme

 The very first thing to do before you set out to create a layout for your clinic’s interior is to think of a theme that you can go with. Think wisely because the rest of the decor will be dependent on the theme you choose for your decor.

Along with that, the reception area for your clinic, where the parents may be asked to wait, will also need a hand with decor. After all, the decor ties the place together.

  When it comes to children’s wellness centers, there are so many themes to choose from. All themes are bound to intrigue children in your room, leaving behind all their worries.

Incorporate features throughout the waiting area to create the theme you’ve planned. for example, for a forest themed clinic, opt for artificial trees inside your space in order to make space look like a jungle.

Wall decor

 Instead of opting for simple colored walls that would be too boring to stimulate children’s senses, opt for murals on walls. Not only do they complement your theme if carefully created but they also intrigue children.

 3D wall art, including the likes of butterflies, clouds, flowers, and hot air balloons can be crafted to create a fun, and intriguing wall art! Use children’s art to decorate some of the walls with bright colors!

Dedicate a section to fun and games

 When it comes to children, its hard to stay in one place, as can be seen in many clinics. Why not create a space that’s all about moving around and keeping children occupies while they’re at the doctor’s office.

Create a minor football or basketball field and use small scale baskets or goal posts to keep children occupied while they wait at the doctor’s office. If however, you don’t want much movement around the office, dedicated corner for board games and toys where the children can sit around and have fun.


How can one forget furnishings when it comes to decor? Opt for furniture that’s made for small bodies. Since visitors are usually children, it helps to have furniture that’s well suited for smaller individuals. In addition, if you’ve used a theme for your decor, opt for a piece of furniture that goes with your theme too.  For your forest theme, you can choose for tree stumps as your chairs and tables.

Colorful furniture not only enhances the appeal of the space, but it also adds brightness and fun to an otherwise serious setting When designing child-friendly spaces, it’s important to ensure that they’re at a distance from the main space for adults.

Take away!

Just because the circumstances for your being in a clinic may be a little upsetting, doesn’t mean your interior drcor for the place should be too! Opt for experts in commercial interior design Dubai and create a clinic space that’s fun, exciting and loved by all the children!

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