All You Need To Know About Eco-Friendly Interior Design

The world is showing augmented concern to save the environment from pollution. It is because the people across the globe have realized the importance of the healthy environment for successful living on the planet Earth. Therefore, every sphere of life from health care to home decor is revolving around the concept eco-friendly.

Consequently, the individuals in UAE and other countries seek assistance to incorporate green interior design within their homes, offices, commercial buildings, so forth and so more!  There is no denying that sustainable interior decor has a significantly positive impact on the lifestyle of people. It is because going green assists the people in reducing the effects of carbon dioxide and other pollutants from their surroundings.

Therefore, the terminologies “eco-friendly interiors” or “sustainable decor and design” are critically about the wellbeing of the people. It helps to keep the environment natural as much as possible.  If you are willing to go for sustainable interior decor for your home or office – you are inevitably going to get a healthy and productive environment for your valuable individuals.

However, for this, you must have to take services from interior design UAE based professionals.  After all, only the professionals know how to incorporate green material and organic structures into the design to make it incredibly fabulous and healthy!

All You Need To Know About Eco-Friendly Interior Design

Interior decor ideas to create a fun-filled pediatric clinic

If you’ve ever ended up in a sport’s clinic you probably realized how depressing some of them have been designed to look! It’s not the problem you may be facing, its definitely the decor that makes the room look, dark, murky and sad! Not fair.

UAE clinics are a busy place with numerous cases of flu, fever and other airborne infections. Its not just children who are affected though! As is the case globally, grownups and children, everyone is affected by infections today!

Considering the circumstances that have brought your patients to the clinic, it makes it important for you to make them feel right at home and weightless and without worry! As such the interior decor may not be able to do what the doctors can, but it should be close in providing an atmosphere that’s conducive to healing!

 If you’re confused as to how you can achieve that, experts in commercial interior design Dubai can help you out in creating a space that your patients will love!

interior decor ideas to create a fun-filled pediatric clinic

Helpful interior decor tips for your children’s sports clinic

The following tips can be used to decorate your children’s clinic:

Choose a theme

 The very first thing to do before you set out to create a layout for your clinic’s interior is to think of a theme that you can go with. Think wisely because the rest of the decor will be dependent on the theme you choose for your decor.

Along with that, the reception area for your clinic, where the parents may be asked to wait, will also need a hand with decor. After all, the decor ties the place together.

  When it comes to children’s wellness centers, there are so many themes to choose from. All themes are bound to intrigue children in your room, leaving behind all their worries.

Incorporate features throughout the waiting area to create the theme you’ve planned. for example, for a forest themed clinic, opt for artificial trees inside your space in order to make space look like a jungle.

Wall decor

 Instead of opting for simple colored walls that would be too boring to stimulate children’s senses, opt for murals on walls. Not only do they complement your theme if carefully created but they also intrigue children.

 3D wall art, including the likes of butterflies, clouds, flowers, and hot air balloons can be crafted to create a fun, and intriguing wall art! Use children’s art to decorate some of the walls with bright colors!

Dedicate a section to fun and games

 When it comes to children, its hard to stay in one place, as can be seen in many clinics. Why not create a space that’s all about moving around and keeping children occupies while they’re at the doctor’s office.

Create a minor football or basketball field and use small scale baskets or goal posts to keep children occupied while they wait at the doctor’s office. If however, you don’t want much movement around the office, dedicated corner for board games and toys where the children can sit around and have fun.


How can one forget furnishings when it comes to decor? Opt for furniture that’s made for small bodies. Since visitors are usually children, it helps to have furniture that’s well suited for smaller individuals. In addition, if you’ve used a theme for your decor, opt for a piece of furniture that goes with your theme too.  For your forest theme, you can choose for tree stumps as your chairs and tables.

Colorful furniture not only enhances the appeal of the space, but it also adds brightness and fun to an otherwise serious setting When designing child-friendly spaces, it’s important to ensure that they’re at a distance from the main space for adults.

Take away!

Just because the circumstances for your being in a clinic may be a little upsetting, doesn’t mean your interior drcor for the place should be too! Opt for experts in commercial interior design Dubai and create a clinic space that’s fun, exciting and loved by all the children!

Interior design tips for the kitchen to make it stand out

The kitchen is essential and most used space at home. It is the heart of the home, so you have to make it look pretty and function so that whenever you enter you are bounced with positive energy and good vibe. In other words, this is the place which is going to set the mood of the whole house.  If you are up for interior designing of your kitchen, then you need to make it look pretty and elegant keeping in mind the functionality aspect. After the interior design completion, you need to have organized place bursting with vibrancy. Having a hard time with kitchen interior in Dubai? Then you need to hire home interior design companies in Dubai for top-quality professional advice and services. Cook your next delicious food in the nice-looking atmosphere.

home interior design companies in Dubai

Boost your style game by selecting a pretty rug

When you are designing the interior, then you are actually trying to make the best out of the given space. There are a number of elements which are if used smartly will be able to help you amplify the interior, but if you do not pay attention, then it can put the whole look down.

The rug is one those crucial elements which are necessary to interior designing. They are as to interior designing as sunlight to summer seasons. Perfect combination!!

Boost your style game by selecting a pretty rug

Enhance the interior designing process with an attractive rug:

As soon as you start the interior design of your place you need to have a decision on the type of rugs you are going to use. Rugs have the ability to align well with your overall interior or be like picking the odd one out.

When you have a rug in your room or any place up for interior designing, then they are going to make a powerful design statement. They are going to transform the overall vibe of the room and making it a big impression. Keeping all these added advantages in mind, it becomes essential to have top-notch rugs for your next interior project.

If you are having a hard time finalizing the rug for your home interior, then interior design UAE is going to be your first priority. They have years of experience and a professional team to make things work in a beautiful yet elegant way.

Following are some of the essential considerations you need to take into account for the rug selection:

Style of the rug:

Just like other elements in the furniture, there are never-ending designs. The choice is no longer about those Persian or Arabic style rugs, but there are now different contemporary designs trending as well.

If your room or interior is giving out traditional vibe then having a contemporary vibe is a situation of pick the odd one out. Before you get into buying the style make sure you know that the style you have selected is adding to the interior.


This might feel odd because you might think that the rug will not have one color but believe you me rugs are now available in all colors. Having a dull colored rug is a bad idea because you want to make it a statement piece.

Select the color which is vibrant and gives you energy as soon as you step in that place.


Yes! The pattern does matter because when the place is designed simple yet elegant, then you can’t have a cheetah print rug.

If your room has a lot of pattern and colors already then you need to select the simple one for the room to stand out. However, if your room is bold yet simple, then the pattern will add the wow factor in the place.

Final words:

When you are choosing a rug, then you need to think if it is matching your need. Don’t make a choice about rug on the go. You have to ask for professional designing insight to make it stand out.

Being in UAE gives you an edge because you can always consult the interior design UAE for professional insight.

Popular Interior Design Styles for commercial spaces 2019

commercial interior design Dubai

Are you a person with artistic nature who likes to explore the types and feature of interior styles? Or you have to look for the most popular styles for commercial spaces interiors to make over your workplace, store or brand kiosk in UAE? In any case, you must be familiar with emerging trends to keep your design up-to-date and up to the mark.
Industrial, modern, shabby rustic or Hollywood, you can select any theme to meet your business needs. However, the bohemian interior decor is getting augmented popularity owing to its bright colors and energetic appeal. If you are going to get the latest trends applied, the commercial interior design Dubai based professional can help you better make things interesting. Last but not least, combining two-or-more designs can be the best option when you are curious to see the amalgamation of styles and trends together!

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Interior Design Trends to Watch Out For Home Décor- 2019

Just like people make New Year resolution, the experts from interior décor industry keep the pledge to bring innovativeness and uniqueness in their designs for the years coming ahead. It is because home décor is something very imperative for people.

However, prediction of up-coming trends is not easy, but industry experts pay critical eyes on past happenings to make a calculative analysis of the trending pieces of the future.

No doubt the year 2018 has seen a rapid transformation in the home architecture and styling leading to minimalist thinking.  It apparently means that less is more! You have to style the minimum elements in a way which give a magnificent impact on the overall interior.  However, the future is going to be a bit different.

home interior design trends

Home Interior Design Trends – 2019

Let’s make some predictions which are expected rule in 2019:

Mushroom Lights and Burgeon Lamps

Lighting is the central element of making the buildings bright and stylish. It is owing to the reason that different design, colors and power-saving lights are introduced in the industry of UAE and globally.

If you want to get such elements for your apartment, obtain the services of home interior design companies in Dubai for professional accomplishments.

However, mushroom lamps are getting higher popularity in the world which is expected to augment in 2019.  This resurgence of the dome is integrated into vintage interior style models to offer improved sculptural décor.


A detailed analysis of the industry reveals that interior décor trends are moving in a spiral motion. It means that after successful completion of the minimalist cycle, now it’s time to experience the maximalist in a modern style.

It is expected that two or more styles are combined to present an amalgamation of styles in a multi-cultural world. For instance, midcentury Italian can be expected to mix with Middle Eastern interior patterns to inspire the people.

Principal Hues

In case you are an industry geek, you knew it very clearly that every year colors in interior décor change are bringing novelty and elegance. Owing to this, many people have to change their interior hues to keep their home décor up-to-dated with modern style.

The year 2017 brought pastel shades while 2018 was the year of deep jewels. There is a lot more on the way. If you are looking for home renovation in the coming year, consider too bold colors from the primary shades. It is because; primary colors are seemed to get more popularity in the future.

Takes Away

Summing up, interior décor is something significant because it reveals not only the aesthetics of the family members but also the skills of the artisans.

So, don’t forget to acquire highly skilled home interior design companies in Dubai for improved quality of work based on trendy styles.

Besides furniture, other elements of home décor are becoming the focal point of artistic nature of the people. A few accessories in this regard include rice paper lamps, bouclé Intonations, plight tables, and much more is on the way to 2019.

Common interior decor mistakes we all make

A room should never allow the eye to settle in one place. It should smile at you and create fantasy.”

~Juan Monotya

interior design UAE

Refurnishing, revamping or simply designing the interior for your living space may seem an arduous task but let’s be honest, don’t we just love how the interior can change the entire feel associated with the room!?

Decor has the ability to not only enhance the appearance of the room but also make the viewer feel a certain way. A well decorated room that is!  A badly decorated room may have the opposite effect on people and with the interior decor mistakes that most of us make, the undesired effect is what we need to prevent.

Learning the A to Z of interior decor may not be possible in the few days you have to redecorate your place; however a more viable option is to consider companies offering interior design UAE  that know more than just the alphabets of interior design.

Interior designers weigh in on some of the most common interior design mistakes that we all make:

Having everything “matchy matchy”

Most of us have had the sudden urge to buy the same colored curtains as the couch or the same colored cushions as the curtains. Most rooms even have the same wall paper as the pattern on the couch covers. Interior designers advise against using the same patterns and colors for the room explaining that the room looks “regimented”.

The best way to go around it is to look for colors that are similar, or might look great together. In case of patterns opt for a mixture of solids and patters. The mix-n–match might just help create an extraordinary space.

Ignoring the scale

The most basic mistake some people make, even some of the best designers in the field. Experts suggest use of artwork two thirds the width of the piece of furniture below it.

Anything smaller or bigger should be placed above other pieces of furniture. Getting the proportion right when it comes to furniture is probably the most important thing when it comes to arranging furniture and artwork in the room.

Ignoring the bigger picture

Most people consider the bigger picture when decorating rooms. This s results in them paying attention the smaller sections of the room instead of looking at it from a bird’s eye view. Often resulting in large spaces between the different sections, it gives the room an extra spacious look.

Expert suggests using a picture of the room in order to determine what the room may need or what you need to take out of the room.

Cramming everything one room

In an attempt to make use of all the items that they bought most individuals tend to cram everything in one room. Instead of enhancing the presence of each other the furniture pieces work together to put up a clustered appearance that no one likes. Even the lightest clutter would cause the room to look overcrowded.

Allowing the furniture to breathe by taking out the unimportant item out of a room, may work wonders for the room and would also prevent the slightest clutter to over crowd the room.

Ignoring textures

Most people either intentionally or unknowingly ignore the importance of textures in interior decor which leads to a bland appearance of the space .Adding textures to your room, can add personality to your room in the most discreet way possible. The use of different textures enhances the outlook of the room.

Experts advise consumers to use shaggy rugs, woven blankets, plants and wall hangings in an attempt to introduce texture into a room.

Take Away

Chances are you’ve probably made most of the mistakes mentioned above, while considering designing options for your living space. It’s okay! We all are novices at most of the things we do!  The presence of experts in the market allows us to make our share of mistakes!

Hire expert in interior design UAE to correct the mistakes that you’ve made or completely redesign your living space and   you never have to make the same mistakes again!

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Amazing Ideas to watch out for commercial interior designs 2019

The business world has become highly competitive in every way. The environment of the workplace along with the interior decor has a considerable impact on the psyche of the workforce. It is owing to the fact that the human factor has influence everything event the commercial place.

It is evident from the fact that the public-private divide is diminishing over the years. You might have seen numerous commercial buildings where a potion is reserved for private use. Similarly, the residential buildings have something for a business purpose such as gyms, cafeterias, etc.  All this significantly impacts the building constructions and interiors designs.

These trends are continually changing the outlook of architecture and interior landscape. The complexity and innovation can be seen in the UAE mainly. It leads to augmented demand in commercial interior design Dubai based services to meet the requirements of augmented commercialization and focused designs for workplaces, offices, shopping stores, etc.

Don’t forget to go with popular trends by understanding the given innovative ideas specifically for your business needs!

commercial interior design Dubai

Interior Tips to create amazing designs for Tech Startup workplaces

Since ages, human beings like to spend most of their time in search of comfort with elegance. It is evident from the fact that houses are renovated to give a royal impression. But, this is not limited to residential buildings only. Commercial spots and offices are paid equal attention to make them magnificent in interior decor and comfortable with respect to usability.

A few experts are of the view that the interior of the workplace is an illustration of the business vision. In this way, it is used to interpret the brand.

Many business organizations in UAE and abroad consider the importance of office decor because they can exercise their corporate identity through the designs of lighting, furniture and related design elements.

commercial interior design Dubai

Interior Design Tips for Tech Startup workplaces

If you have the same thinking but don’t know how to aligned things in order to mix and match the business theme of your novice startup with the design elements of your workplace in UAE particularly, commercial interior design Dubai based service providers can obviously help you out!

Before this, have a look at the innovative things you may add without spending much in order to bring some color and comfort to your tech workplace for a new startup!

Utilize Lamps and lighting as innovation

The adequate arrangement of the lighting is essential for functionality. However, a few people take the functional things more seriously putting a mega lamp or high voltage tube lights straight on the heads of every workstation. It might not look as cool as you think.

It is better to aligned tiny lights together to create a magnificent environment. Use the design as an art. You can use lights to be fixed in artistic sculpture which will add ambience to the interior along with adjustability.

Consider the wallpapers for customization

If you are going to start your tech venture recently, you should not ignore the importance of wallpapers. Why? It is because simple wallpaper no doubt can accomplish the tasks but, a customize wallpaper can help you to describe your business objectives, vision and mission.

Don’t forget to consider a cloud-based design to illustrate your dreams, aspirations and expectations from the workforce with respect to short-term or long-term goals.

Let your workplace reflect the individual’s personality

No doubt, the workplace of your innovative tech startup should be highly creative plus elegance. While designing the interior of the office, you must not forget to incorporate individuality.

The workstations and surrounding region should exhibit the idea that who is using that specific place, section or portion of the office. This idea is highly suitable for big hall offices.

It will not only help you to give an innovative impression to the employees, clients and the local community but also will eliminate the need for separate portions in the workplace.

Takes Away

To sum up, you might have many ideas and things to make a difference through your workplace, but without the help of commercial interior design Dubai based professionals, you might not be able to transform ideas into reality.

Being an entrepreneur, you already understand the need and importance of the right tool or individual for the appropriate action. Don’t forget this rule in office interior decor!

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Why do you need a professional interior designer?

Why do you need a professional interior designer?

Living in well-built homes is the prime concern of all and sundry. However, human beings are widely known for their love towards arts and interiors. It is evident from the fact that many people pay higher attention to decor their homes nicely. It not only enables them to live in the pleasant places but also inspire others.

However, interior decor is not a cup of tea for everyone. It’s owing to the fact that it requires to have adequate knowledge of textures, engineering, fixtures and related disciplines to become a good interior designer.

Not only this, trends in architecture and decor change with the passage of time. So, awareness about the recent trends and techniques is essential to makeover your home.

Further, every country maintains its own ways and styles of living. Besides cultural perspective, there are many other things which should be taken into account while designing the interior of your home.

 For instance, if you are living in UAE which is the favorite place of tourists, businessmen, explorers and jobs seekers, you should pay attention to a few things. In such a situation, it is better to hire the best interior design UAE based services to ensure perfection of designs with professional task management.

Summing up, if you are looking for modification in your existing interiors or want a brand new design for your home or office décor, don’t forget to search professional interior designers near you!

interior design UAE